Washburn Dept. of Chemistry
Stoffer Science Building Room 312
Phone (785) 670-2270
Click on the form below to send your citation to Mabee Library.
Use the Mabee Library Encore catalog to locate chemistry books in the library.
Chemistry materials at Mabee Library are generally located in the following call number ranges:
QD 1 - QD 65 Chemistry (General)
QD 71 - QD 142 Analytical Chemistry
QD 146 - QD 197 Inorganic Chemistry
QD 241 - QD 441 Organic Chemistry
QD 450 - QD 801 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
QD 901 - QD 999 Crystallography
Caution: The call number ranges above are for general information only. When browsing call number ranges, be sure to check the OVERSIZE BOOK COLLECTION as well as the general stacks. Ask at the Reference Desk for assistance in finding the OVERSIZE BOOK COLLECTION. Browsing in the stacks is not an efficient way to find specific topics in the Library.