What is a scholarly journal?
Answer: A journal that has been created by academic authors and includes original quantitative and/or qualitative research and theoretical content.
What is a trade journal?
Answer: A journal that was created for professionals. The articles address professional or work-related issues and help practicioners by summarizing research for best practices.
Is my article scholarly?
Use this checklist to evaluate your article. If in doubt, ask me!
Depending on your research process, General Databases can either serve as a great starting point or a desperate last resort for locating information on your topic.
General Databases are valuable for a number of reasons:
Here are links to several general databases that can provide links or full text articles in a wide variety of sources. Remember that in order to access any of the library's subscription databases from off-campus, you will be required to authenticate your session with your name and WIN number.
Link to over 57 periodicals and resources concerning music and topics related to music education and research and their location within the Mabee Library Catalog