Find the Grade Level of a Book
1) Go to Scholastic BookWizard and search for the title of a book. It gives reading for many books (from various publishers) evels by grade and month such as '5.6' which is '5th grade, sixth month'.
2) Go to the Mabee Library online database 'NoveList' (WU users only) and search for the book.
2) Look up the book in a lexile or 'leveled book list' reference book (several are available at the CEL).
3) Use Microsoft Word (tm) to tell you. Copy and paste an excerpt of the book (preferably at least 100 words) into a blank document. Run the spell check. After MSWord (tm) is finished, it will show you the 'Readability Statistics' which include a reading ease score and a Flesh-Kincaid grade level. (You may need to adjust the settings within MSWord to display the readability statistics after running a spell check.)
4) Calculate the reading level yourself using a lexile of your choice.
5) Guestimate
Congratulations! You now have a calculation of the lexile or grade level of a book!