Here is another good source on how to write. This resources is located upstairs in the stacks.
How to cite a book with two or more authors:
Roland, Oliver, George P. Manning, and Claude S. Sanders. Discourse Studies.
New York: Pantheon, 2000.
How to cite a journal article:
Denning, Peter J. “Business Designs for the New University.” Educom Review
31.6 (1996).
How to cite a full-text journal article from a library database:
Youakim, Sami. “Work-Related Asthma.” American Family Physician
64 (2001): 1839-52. Health Reference Center Academic. InfoTrac.
WU Mabee Library. 12 Jan. 2009
How to cite a Web page:
Latner, Richard B. "Crisis at Fort Sumter." 1996. Tulane University.
14 Feb. 2009