What is a scholarly journal?
Answer: A journal that has been created by academic authors and includes original quantitative and/or qualitative research and theoretical content.
What is a trade journal?
Answer: A journal that was created for professionals. The articles address professional or work-related issues and help practitioners by summarizing research for best practices.
The following link takes you to a list of all the Allied Health subject databases Washburn has access to.
There are numerous journals that follow hot topics and research in the Respiratory Therapy field which Washburn subscribes to. Reputable journals include Respiratory Care: The Official Journal of the American Association of Respiratory Therapy, Respiratory Therapy: The Journal of Pulmonary Technique, and NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. Click on the link below to search for these and other specific journals.
Try using these search terms:
"Cystic Fibrosis"
"Pulmonary Diseases"
"Respiratory Disease"
"Respiratory Therapy"
"Sudden Infant Death Syndrome"
"Surfactant Replacement"