If the Mabee Library does not have access to a particular article or book, you may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan. This free service normally takes 2-3 days for journals and 2-7 days for books.
Reference and new books are located on the main level.
Here are some reference books you may want to use to complete your assignment:
The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2009 -- WU Mabee Reference AY67.N5 W7
The Europa World Year Book -- WU Mabee Reference JN1 .E85
Culture Grams: World Edition 2009 -- WU Mabee Reference GT150 .C85
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life -- WU Mabee Reference GN333 .W67
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture -- WU Mabee Reference GT2850 .E53
Holidays, Festivals and Celebrations of the World Dictionary -- WU Mabee Reference GT3925 .H77
Chase's Calendar of Events 2009 -- WU Mabee Reference GT4803 .C48
The Statesman's Yearbook 2009 -- WU Mabee Reference JA51 .S
Mabee Library organizes the book collection using the Library of Congress Classification System, which is a combination of letters and numbers.
Need to find a book in our library? Search the catalog here!