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The Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library

Join The Friends Today

Follow this link to make a gift that will make an immediate difference to the Washburn University Community of Learning.

2016-17 Board Members

President: Gary Schmidt

Carol Barry

Cindy Barry

Merrill Befort

Amy Billinger

Betty M. Casper

Dorothy Hanger

Ted Heim

Lisa Heitz

Rosemary Menninger

Larry Peters

Robert W. Richmond

Gary Schmidt

Jim Sloan

Tonya Witmer

Tom Averill

Alan Bearman, ex-officio

Why be a Friend of University Library?

Next to its faculty, Washburn University's most important asset is its library because a great university will always have an engaged library at its heart.

Thus, the reason that we so often hear: Without great libraries that are the repository of knowledge, scholarship and wisdom, there are no great universities

Your support of the Friends of the Library makes Washburn University a great university!

Help the Washburn Libraries Today

The University Librarians offer an extensive and growing number of innovative educational opportunities that support The Washburn Community of Learning.

Nevertheless, our talented and dedicated professional staff cannot fulfill their many roles without your assistance.

Please make a gift to The Friends of the Library today because it will make an immediate impact upon the initiatives that the Library is working upon to improve student success at Washburn.

To make your gift today you can click in the box to your left and it will immediately take you to the Washburn University Foundation.

Your gift will make a difference and it is appreciated.

I'll see you in the Stacks.

Best Wishes,
