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University Library & Remote Education

Resources for remote teaching & learning

Lori F

collage of dogs and cats

The 4-legged souls who are with me in spirit each day(Lori F)

Their job is to remind me that we are all connected.

Sarah D

Basset Hound

Cat looking out window

Orange and White Kitten

Merlin, Zazzles, and Percy (Sarah D) 

Expert brainstorming team. Other strengths include, but are not limited to, cuddling. 



Student Workers (Amanda)

Featured practicing a "librarian bun" 


dog in grass

Merlin (James) 

Member of Security Team, proudly guards perimeter of our home office. 


black and white photo of two cats


Toddkins & Purdy (Amanda) 

Executives of local culinary developments. Their job duties include letting the CEOs know when the food bowls are empty and half full and mostly full and meowing loudly at 4 AM. 


German Shepard Dog

Bruce Wayne and Jo (Graciela) 

Bruce- Chief of security 

Jo (short for Joker)- Quality Control


cat in chair

Tuxedo cat in chair


Basil & Malibu (Mallory) 

Love to sit in on Zoom meetings and steal office chairs. 

Lori R


Ice Man- Hubby (Lori R) 

Keeps house at chilly 66 degrees and Kansas bridges safe.



child at laptop

Nicole, Daisy and Lucy- guinea pigs (Yalitza) 

Nicole has been working very hard, but the other two are just plain lazy. All they do is eat and squeal! However, they are very confused as to why I am home all the time now. I'm still trying to explain! 


Sleeping Collie Dog

Violet & Blue (Jordan) 

Violet our youngest furry co-worker, she is very active and hardly ever holds still long enough to relax, so I had to send this adorable picture we caught if her napping on the job. 

Blue is my daytime work companion. He never leaves my side all day, as he is our nigh security-guard and naps days. He is pictured alongside our office emotional support stuffy, Squish. 

Lori R

red tri aussie dog


Callie & Piper (Lori R) 

Callie an adventure loving, barn hunting, swimming sweetheart. Her name is Royal Caliente because she was born days after the Royals won the World Series. 

Piper was voted most likely to run away and join the circus. Has an affinity for playing ball and catching high flying Frisbees. Her name is Play Me a Tune to Soothe My Soul-Piper. 


New Staff

Now that all library faculty and staff are working from home, we wanted to introduce our new coworkers.