Mabee Library has many videos of interest. If you know of a specific title, type it in the space below. If you are checking our collection for a video on a specific subject, type "videorecording" and your subject and click "find it". It is easy.
Great source for finding videos and who might have a copy. In Worldcat, initiate an "Advanced" search, and then type a subject and limit the search to "Visual materials".
Comprehensive catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Displays library holdings for libraries in the U.S. and worldwide. Includes a direct link for interlibrary loan via Tipasa. Coverage: Approximately 3400 BCE - present.
Anybody not like to watch movies? I just watched the "John Adams" mini-series and it is an amazing historical piece. There are some fantastic video clips available, and this guide is created to help you to access those. Video clips are the eyes to our world, and it is amazing what is available to you. As an historian, I often have thought that how fantastic it would have been to view a video of Washington's farewell speech, or to hear the voice of Abraham Lincoln as he delivered the Gettysburg Address. Think about that! I thank Judy Druse for her ideas many of which I have borrowed for this guide. Happy searching, and Enjoy!