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Political Science/Geography

A Users' guide for Basic Political Science/Geography Resources


A research project is a challenge in itself.  You have a topic that interests you, and now you are expected to come up with a project using sources you might find.  NOW WHAT?  The resources/links listed to the right can help.  They can give you all sorts of guidance on the reading, researching, and writing.

Researching is a learned task.  Use these tools to help make the process easier.

Never! Never! Never be afraid to ask a question about any part of the research process.  A librarian can help with some things while your instructor can help with others.

Guides for Politcal Science/Geography Research

"Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind." ,  Marston Bates, 1906-1974

Tip: Exploit Bibliographies

TIP #1:   Read the background information and note sources listed in a bibliography. The sources cited in the biblioigraphy are good starting points for further research.

TIP #2:    Look up those sources in the Online Catalog and journal indices.  Check the subject headings listed in the records and do additional searching on those terms.

TIP #3:   Remember that many books and articles found in the Online Catalog and indices will themselves have bibliographies. Check those for additional references.