EasyBib is an automatic bibliography composer. When you have sources you need to cite properly for your research paper, EasyBib will help you format your sources quickly and accurately.
By registering for your own individual account you can better manage your information as all your work will be saved, and you will have the ability to access the service from off-campus.
Look at the examples below and decide if you have to cite the sources you use or not.
How to cite a book with two or more authors:
Roland, Oliver, George P. Manning, and Claude S. Sanders. Discourse Studies. New York: Pantheon, 2000.
How to cite a journal article:
Denning, Peter J. "Business Designs for the New University." Educom Review 31.6 (1996).
How to cite a full-text journal article from a library database:
Youakim, Sami. "Work-Related Asthma." American Family Physician 64 (2001): 1839-52. Health Reference Center Academic. InfoTrac. Wu Mabee Library. 12 Jan. 2009.
How to cite a Web page:
Latner, Richard B. "Crisis at Fort Sumter." 1996. Tulane University. 14 Feb. 2009.