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Washburn University
Allied Health
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Allied Health
A guide to assist Washburn University allied health students and faculty with their library research.
Getting Started
Articles & Databases
Web Resources
Health Statistics
Master of Health Science
Open Educational Resources
Subject Guide
Scott Brackey
Email Me
Office 227 A
University Library
Washburn University
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Allied Health
Athletic Training
Family and Human Services
Physical Education
Social Work
Allied Health Ready Reference
Internet Resource Reliability
Evaluating Internet Resources
Provides a list of numerous sources that will help you determine if the web source you are perusing is appropriate for your research.
The C.R.A.A.P Test
An evaluative tool you can use to determine if the web materials you are looking at are trustworthy and effective for your research.
Health Websites
Centers for Disease Control
A helpful resource for all who work in the health field. It provides information on various health topics, such as listing diseases and providing resources to promote healthy living.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Provides information about common health insurance companies.
Lab Tests Online
Provides information about lab tests and their essential use in the medical field.
The Merck Manual Online Medical Library
Provides a variety of medical news, topics, procedures, and case studies for those in the medical field to review.
National Institutes of Health
Provides a variety of medical news, topics, procedures, and case studies for those in the medical field to review.
World Health Organization
Provides news over medical topics worldwide.
Certification and Test Prep
National Healthcareer Association
Includes Allied Health Certification exam and study prep options, though they do cost.
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts
Contains licensure information for Allied Health in the State of Kansas.
Articles & Databases
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