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Research Basics

Welcome to the University Library. This guide will provide resources for you to learn the basics of research. Use the tabs to learn about the research process. Contact us with questions!

Using Google

Here are some basics about Google searching.

Example: Health-care-reform

Every word counts

Case-insensitive: health or Health

Punctuation is generally ignored

Assumes an AND between terms: troops Afghanistan = troops AND Afghanistan

Ignores common words: gone with the wind = gone wind

Searches for synonyms automatically: child care = childcare

It's best to start narrow.  When you search an online database, you probably don't want to start too narrow.  But on the web, it's better to use more words than less.

Use quotation marks around a phrase to search for those words together.

Examples: health care -- “health care reform” intelligent design -- “intelligent design” green jobs-- “green jobs”

Using Wikipedia

Special Thanks To

This guide is based on information from the Western Oregon University Hamersly Library CLIP Project.  Hamersly Library has made the tutorials available for adaptation via Creative Commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.