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Research Basics

Welcome to the University Library. This guide will provide resources for you to learn the basics of research. Use the tabs to learn about the research process. Contact us with questions!


Anyone can publish anything on the Web. With no editor or peer review process between the author and a published document, it is best to approach information on the Web with caution.  Evaluating Web documents becomes a critical task when using Web sites for research.  This library guide will give you criteria for evaluating Web-based resources.


  • Authority:  Who created the Web page?  Is the author/creator identified?  Why was the Web page created?  What does the URL domain indicate? (.gov for government, .edu for education, .com for commercial, .org for organizations)
  • Accuracy:  Is the information reliable?  Is there documentation of sources?  Are there typos and mistakes in layout?
  • Objectivity:  Is the content biased?  Are you asked to donate or support a cause?  Does the page have advertising?
  • Currency:  Is the page dated?  When was the last update?  Are there clickable links which have expired or no longer work?
  • Content:  Was the page created for the Web or was it originally a print source?  Are there a lot of flashy graphics?  Is the presentation mostly fact or mostly opinion?  Is there a bibliography and/or footnotes?


Special Thanks To

This guide is based on information from the Western Oregon University Hamersly Library CLIP Project.  Hamersly Library has made the tutorials available for adaptation via Creative Commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.