Course, or class, reserves are maintained and made available at the Welcome Desk. To place items on reserve, all items should be gathered and brought to the Welcome Desk or sent through campus mail. All requests to place items on reserve should be accompanied by a completed Reserves Form. These forms are available at the link below, at the Welcome Desk, and in each department. Please allow at least 48 hours from the time items are delivered to the library until they are processed for student use. Items available on course reserves may be viewed in the Library Catalog. Reserves are designated as 2-hour (closed), 2-day, or 7-day. Faculty should remind students that a WUID (icard) is required for checking out all reserves even though 2-hour (closed) reserve material does not leave the library. Reserves may be removed by making the request in person at the Welcome Desk or by sending a written request through campus mail or by email to Andrea Leon or by telephone (ext. 1489).
The Center for Student Success offers skillshops on a variety of topics throughout the fall & spring semesters providing students with an opportunity to strengthen their learning & study skills in order to succeed. All skillshops listed are free and open to any and all walk-in students unless otherwise indicated.
1. they’re FREE
2. convenient times and locations
3. no tests or homework
4. attend as many as you want
5. they’re not just about academics
6. skills you need to know
No need to sign up, just show up & sign in.