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Adopting Open Stories: My Open Math

by Amanda Luke on 2024-04-02T12:36:00-05:00 | 0 Comments





Jill Kimzey [Faculty Profile]

Math Lab Manager

Mathematics and Statistics

Adopting Open Stories: MyOpenMath

The Richard E. Shermoen Mathematics Learning Lab opened in 2019 in Mabee Library at Washburn University where Lab Director Jill Kimzey teaches fundamental math courses including Preparation for Quantitative Reasoning Pathway [MA 090]. Last year Jill received the Mabee Library Open Textbook Grant which has supported faculty adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) since 2018. Jill adapted MA 090, writing guided notes and building a course homework system with MyOpenMath. MyOpenMath is a non-profit online course management system for the quantitative fields established in 2011 by David Lippman.


What inspired you to adapt your course with OER?

“[Our] goal is reducing barriers to student success. The cost of the textbook and homework system was inhibitive to passing the course. Passing math and writing courses in the first year of college are important [for on time graduation].”


Why MyOpenMath?

“I went with MyOpenMath because it operates as a traditional homework system and is easier for students to navigate. I also liked that MyOpenMath is growing and offers [faculty] support with a community [of faculty contributors].”


What has been the most rewarding part of this project?

“Seeing students be successful and hearing the appreciation about one less expense. Many students were only able to afford a [two-week] trial of the [previous paid] homework system and then suffered interruptions and setbacks when the trial period ran out. Without that issue it is easier for students to stay on track and successfully complete the course.”

This blog post has been copied from the January issue of the KBOR OER Committee Newsletter and shared with the author's permission:

Learn more about MyOpenMath:

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