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Library Resources for Kansas Residents

Washburn University Library Guest Borrower Card

Guest Borrowers receive full library services and may check out circulating materials (books, compact discs, audio-visuals) for four weeks. Guest Borrowers may renew materials once via their online library account before returning to the library with the materials to check them out again.

Guest Borrowers are required to present a Washburn University Guest Borrower Card to check out or renew library materials and on occasion to request library services.

Guest Borrower Card may be obtained at the University Library Welcome Desk. Guest Borrowers must be Kansas residents, 18 years of age or older, and present photo identification and proof of residency when applying for the Washburn University Guest Borrower's Card.

Borrower Responsibilities

  • Borrowers are expected to treat library materials and equipment in a responsible manner that will help to preserve them and to ensure their availability for other users.
  • Borrowers are expected to familiarize themselves with the Libraries' Circulation Policies, and Fees for Lost or Damaged Library Materials.
  • Borrowers should feel free to ask for assistance in understanding these policies at the Welcome Desk.
  • In order to borrow library materials for on-site or off-site use, a valid borrower WU ID (iCard) must be presented. There are two valid borrower (ID) cards: WU ID (iCard) (for university students, faculty, and staff), or a Washburn University Library Guest Borrower's Card.
  • It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the date (or date and time) that material is due. Date (or date and time) due information will be provided to the user at the time the material is checked out. Feel free to ask questions at the time of check out if the information is not clear.
  • Borrowers are responsible for material checked out in their names.
  • Any borrower who fails to return library material in a timely manner or who returns it in a damaged condition will be charged lost book fees or repair charges, plus processing fees.
  • Proxy sponsors are responsible for materials and any charges incurred for materials checked out by their proxies.
  • Adult sponsors of a minor with borrowing privileges are responsible for materials and any charges incurred for materials checked out by the minor.