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History 395: History Forum

Online Catalog

Below are just a few options to find books at Mabee Library. If you are using your home computer or laptop, access to databases which Washburn University purchases will require your WIN number.

Primary Sources

Primary sources are first-hand accounts created by participants in or witnesses to a particular event. The writers of these accounts are contemporary to the event. Examples of primary sources include diaries, letters, speeches, memoirs, autobiographies, interviews, transcripts of oral history sessions, treaties, church records, census records, photographs, maps, and certain government publications. 

Primary sources are very exciting. These people witnessed and recorded an historic event. Below you will see several linked sites which provide access to primary sources. Part of research is discovering those primary resources specific to your subject. Do not neglect the Mabee Library's online catalog as a place to start your search. WorldCat is another great place to check. Primary sources are just everywhere. Look under every unturned rock. That source might just be the key to a great research project. Happy Hunting!

General History Primary Sources Online