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History 395: History Forum

Specific Books

The links to the right are a few books/web sites which can provide topical bibliographies [lists]. Bibliographies can be useful tools, especially if you find one about your subject. Fewer bibliographies are published in book form now than in the past because of the ease of access to WorldCat.  With advanced searching of WorldCat, anyone can compile their own subject specific bibliography. Of course such a WorldCat bibliography would not be annotated. 

Below is a link to WorldCat. This database is huge, so be prepared to find thousands of books on any subject, and many editions and languages of each book. WorldCat also indicates what library owns a book.

Books and Bibliographies

Please take notice there are some reference resources that are Mabee library-use only. If you need particular information from these books, please ask a librarian for help. We can either help you scan some of the pages or look up more resources about your research that can either be found online or checked out to you.