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History 395: History Forum

Importance of Political Cartoons

Editorial or political cartoons depict political and social commentary in an artistic fashion. The study of cartoons involves many academic disciplines such as journalism, mass media, political science, and history. This page will provide sites which display a selective list of cartoon sources via the Internet. I know that you will find cartoons clever, insightful, and in some instances simply hilarious.

Benjamin Franklin drew the United States' first political cartoon in 1754, and it was very much a call to action. Political issues have always provided a fertile source of cartoon expression. It is amazing how the use of a cartoon image can capture and express so vividly the political climate of the time.

Starting Points

Professional Organizations

Professional associations promote cartooning/cartoonists in various degrees with wide ranging content. Sites can be a good place to find biographical information on cartoonists.

The links below are examples of professional associations in the U.S. and Great Britain.

Libraries, Special Collections, and Digital Collections